My uncle's son and I visiting him in the hospital
As promised from my ezine, here is the info on my uncle. I am showing a few pictures that show his journey for the last 19 months.
Taking steps in therapy
Taking more steps
Standing freestyle, yeeh
Celebrating with you my travels and special events in my life and articles I may want to share.
My uncle's son and I visiting him in the hospital
As promised from my ezine, here is the info on my uncle. I am showing a few pictures that show his journey for the last 19 months.
Taking steps in therapy
Taking more steps
Standing freestyle, yeeh
Extended family with my uncle
Me enjoying a beautiful sunset by the rock pool
My brother chilling with my uncle
Having fun on Christmas day
Hanging with my auntie
Jamaica is a beautiful place and the people are extremely friendly. The food is great too. I was really overdoing it on the food. The sunset is out of this world.
Mickey D's had pineapple pies, the best
Bicycle is the main mode of transportation and cabs
Emperor's throne in the Forbidden City
Forbidden City
My dining table companions, coincidentally, the girl in the blue was traveling solo as well.
A fruit sculpture done by the chef for a midnight exhibition. I stayed up just to see displays and to eat of course.
The countryside is so beautiful, look at all the house in the mountain
I was surprised to see the clothes hanging on lines outside the apartments. I guess we are all alike.
The Vatican, the first window on the second floor is where the Pope speak to the people on certain days.
It is amazing to see the line just to get inside the cathedral. You know, I was not going to stand in that line. So, I did my little tour of Rome and then came back to shorter line. Inside is amazing. In Italy I got bamboozled, if that is a word. I wanted to taste pizza in Italy, right. Well, I went to this litte spot and got a slice and something to drink. The owner asked me if I was eating in or taking it, I said eating there. Would you know that the price was double to sit there and eat, I was in shock. I will know better next time.
Palma de Mallorca, according to the tour guide, is where St. Paul got shipped wrecked. It was interesting to see all the cathedrals and the intricate designs.
I would definitely do Europe again, but not the all day tours.
Ruins of the City of Pompei
Me and two of the ladies that sat at the same dining table
Catalina Island or the City of Avalon is a small island about 1 hour from Long Beach Pier in California. People actually live on it. They rely on cruise ships and visitors for the majority of their income. Oh, it is so small the cruise ship has to stay in the middle of the ocean and then we have to take small boats from the ship to the pier.
Me on the tour bus
Yes, Woolworths still exist in Australia
Interesting mail boxes
Me galavanting with my two buddies
Remember I was there on business, so I did not have much time to really visit the place. However, one day I decided to walk the streets. The funny thing is, I felt really at home. I actually surprised myself. I could not believe I felt so comfortable. There you have, Australia makes you feel comfortable. The people were really friendly. You want to hear something funny? They actually asked me, where in Australia I was from. I thought that was quite interesting.
The second time around was in October 2006, on another business trip. Yes, now I am loving Australia. A funny coincident happen, I stayed in China town. It is interesting because I had just visited China in September of the same year. More about China later. Of course, I had to get a spa treatment or two. Alright, I got a facial and a massage.
Oh, I had a connecting flight through Fiji un the way to Australia this time around. I was not thrilled when I found out that it would be 4 hours layover. But, trust me, it was worth it. Fiji is simply gorgeous. The view of the mountains and the whole terrain was breathtaking to say the least. You know, Fiji is on my list of places to be on a vacation. The people are quite interesting. The men wear skirts, not all of them. They were playing Reggae music in one of the cafe in the airport. I felt right at home.
Airport in Fiji
Aerial view of Fiji from the plane